No 1045, District 25, Under The United Grand Lodge of New South Wales & ACT Australia [Views herein does not necessarily reflect those of LJR 1045 & UGL NSW & ACT.]

Thursday, March 1, 2012

LJR's January 2012 Meeting

WM VW Bro Rudi Ramerosa, FC Bro Troy Quimpo, Bro Burston, Bro Gadista,Bro Eugenio & RGC Reg 3
RW Bro William McBey. [Photo by RW Bro Bruce Quirk]

Double Initiation by RW Bro Bruce Quirk, PAGM

With more than thirty in the Lodge Room including one Entered Apprentice from Lodge Blacktown Kildare and one Fellow Craft, Lodge Jose Rizal tyled at six o’clock prompt for their January meeting where Mr Oscar Eugenio and Mr Oliver Gadista were made Masons.

Under the competent hands of VW Bro Rudy Romerosa ‘in the Chair’ and RW Bro Emmanuel Maniago as Lodge Secretary, the general business and correspondence was quickly dealt with.

All visitors were then admitted including another Fellow Craft before an alarm was sounded, and upon inquiry was found the Region Grand Counsellor for Region Three, RW Bro William Bruce McBey was in attendance and seeking admission. With consent by the Worshipful Master and the Brethren standing to order, the Regional Grand Counsellor was received into the Lodge Room and warmly welcomed by the Worshipful Master.

The Worshipful Master then asked the Director of Ceremonies, RW Bro Rey Porras to present two Lodge Officers who were not in attendance at the Installation and duly invested Brother Manuel Placido as Junior Warden and Brother Edward Banting as organist, and the newly invested officers took up their respective positions in the Lodge Room.

A successful ballot was then conducted for the initiation of Mr Oscar Eugenio and Mr Oliver Gadista and whilst the candidates were being prepared, the admission into Lodge Jose Rizal of Bro Rey Traje as an affiliate, [formerly] of Lodge Pedro Gimenez [Grand Lodge of the Philippines], was successfully conducted by a show of hands.

An alarm was again sounded and upon further inquiry it was found Mr Oscar Eugenio and Mr Oliver Gadista were at the door of the Lodge properly prepared and Humbly Soliciting to be admitted into Ancient Freemasonry. After due examination and under the care and direction of the Junior Deacon, Brother Micvi Fidel and the Senior Deacon Brother Mario Baylon Jr. the candidates were received into the Lodge Room and the age old ceremony of initiation commenced. Whilst one may think this is impossible, it can only be said the work of the Officers and Brethren of Lodge Jose Rizal just gets better, and the evening was an inspiration to all in the Lodge Room. All watched in awe and admiration as the ceremony unfolded as each charge was delivered to such an extent that when W Bro Pritam Singh had completed the explanation of the First Degree Working Tools, the Lodge Room erupted in thunderous acclamation of admiration and approval, such is the quality of this vibrant and ‘Go Ahead’ Lodge may it long continue and be an inspiration to member and visitor alike.

The ceremony over, the usual presentations given and a photo opportunity taken the Newly Initiated Brothers were seated in the North East Corner and the Worshipful Master gave welcome to the visiting Regional Grand Counsellor who immediately decended onto the floor and made the usual presentations, on returning to the dais, he spoke of the recent Grand Lodge Communication in Goulburn and of the two regional meetings scheduled for early in the year. One at Lodge Sir Joseph Banks, meeting at Punchbowl, the other at Orchard Hills where all the DGIWs of Region Three will play a role, RW Bro McBey assuming the role of Worshipful Master.

The Regional Grand Counsellor then retired and there being no further business, the Worshipful Master closed the Lodge and all gathered in the South with their Ladies and Family to enjoy a beautiful meal prepared and served by the Ladies of Lodge Jose Rizal. The Festive board so much further enhanced by the Ladies and in particular, Bless Gadista along with babe Oliver Gadista in her arms.

In response to the toast to The Most Worshipful Grand Master proposed by VW Bro Rudi Romerosa, RW Bro McBey rose and thanked Lodge Jose Rizal for a totally enjoyable evening.

The Newly Initiated Brothers stood, in respect, as Bro Sese proposed a welcome toast to them and a little later, W Bro Khris Albano proposed the toast to the Ladies and the Visitors. The Lodge Jose Rizal Honours which were very patriotic to the homeland were then demonstrated before all joined hands and formed a circle and sang Auld lang syne, a fitting end to an unforgettable evening.

Such was the January meeting of Lodge Jose Rizal, an inspiration to all in attendance and all departed to their respective homes, well pleased they had shared the evening with this young Lodge and all looking forward to --- 'Our Next Happy Meeting at Lodge Jose’ Rizal No 1045’

Which will be on the tenth of March where Bro Troy Quimpo will be raised to the sublime degree, his father flying out from the Philippines for the occasion, a night not to be missed.

Our thanks to RW Bro Bruce Quirk, who seldom missed our Lodge meetings & functions and who always chronicles these activities in pictures & article.

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